Bomanite Modena Polished Concrete Floors Suitable for Renovated Spaces

Did you know that Bomanite Custom Polished Concrete floors have excellent abrasion resistance? Deerfield Academy Hess Center for the Arts worked with Bomanite Licensee, Premier Concrete Construction, located in New Hampshire, to choose Bomanite Modena Custom Polishing System for their renovated space. Installed for high durability, for everyday foot traffic, musical equipment and powerful art exhibits, this engineered interior cementitious topping is blended with selected aggregates, ground and polished to the desired gloss level.

Bomanite Modena is available in a range of colors and patterns using decorative sawcuts, topically applied stains, variety of aggregates to create a beautifully designed and functional floor. The Modena system is a low-cost alternative for renovation projects and provides the durability and strength for this exceptionally long lifespan system. With the industry’s lowest lifecycle costs, low to zero VOC and minimal maintenance requirements, Modena by Bomanite is the optimal choice for renewed surfaces.

Bomanite Modena Custom Polished Concrete FloorsBomanite Modena Custom Polished Concrete FloorsBomanite Modena Custom Polished Concrete FloorsBomanite Modena Custom Polished Concrete Floors