The office building for Corporate Express in Broomfield, Colorado has a glass veneer and angled, out-of-vertical planes that form the walls of the building. During the landscaping phase, it was realized that cleaning of the glass on the outside of the building had not been addressed. Conventional glass cleaning systems would not work, so the preferred method for cleaning included the use of “cherry picker” type of lifts. To facilitate the use of these lifts a stable access road around the building had to be installed. About 400 linear feet (6000 sq.ft.) of that “access road” needed to run through landscape areas. We worked primarily with Valley Crest Landscape to get Grasscrete installed to accommodate both the need for landscape and the “window washer access road”. The Grasscrete was backfilled with topsoil and seeded with grasses initially specified for that area. The original install was in 1997. Photos included in this document were taken in July 2006, showing the sustainability of Bomanite Grasscrete Systems.
Broomsfield, CO,
Corporate Express, Inc.
1997 photos taken 2006
Install stable access road around the building for utility vehicles.
Colorado Hardscapes
8085 E. Harvard Avenue
Denver, CO. 80231
Tel: 303-750-8200
Fax: 303-750-8886