Nestled in the heart of trendy SoCo (South Congress Avenue) in Austin, is the South Congress Hotel designed by the Austin architecture firm of Dick Clark + Associates. Bomanite Licensee, Texas Bomanite, joined the process in April 2013 by pricing the exterior architectural concrete working with the Houston office of Manhattan Construction from April to November to revise estimates as the project became more defined. They were awarded the work in November 2013 and the project was completed in late 2015.
Situated on nearly an acre of land, the building spans over 82,000 square feet and includes a hotel, restaurants and retail space. Texas Bomanite’s role in the project included integral color concrete with Bomanite Exposed Aggregate Sandscape Texture and Sandblast paving finishes as well as board-formed concrete planter walls and water features incorporated into walkways, courtyards and outside dining venues.
The South Congress hotel was included in the “It List 2016: The Best New Hotels on the Planet,” by Travel + Leisure Magazine!
Austin, Texas
South Congress Hotel
Ten Eyck Landscape Architects
Manhattan Construction
Winter 2015
Bomanite Exposed Aggregate Systems - Bomanite Sandscape Texture
Texas Bomanite
11107 Morrison Lane
Dallas, TX 75229-5608
TEL: 972-484-8465
FAX: 972-484-8466