Vestavia Hills High School was in need of major renovations, one being their school offices that included a waiting area, lobby passage and hallways. With a little over 5,000 square feet of surface space to redesign, Lathan Associates Architects contacted Bomanite Licensee, Jeffco Concrete Contractors to provide interior flooring options that would hold up to regular foot traffic and future maintenance needs and provide the multiple color intricate design.
After reviewing samples, the Bomanite Toppings Systems, Micro-Top was selected for the office flooring renovation for its fast track benefits and unique two-part cementitious material that tenaciously bonds to virtually any substrate including concrete, asphalt, wood, metal, or plastic. With Bomanite Micro-Top, a wide range of colors can be applied to create uniformity or blended to create variegation in the finish. Limitless color combinations and graphic designs can be used to transform damaged existing concrete or other materials into cementitious art forms, without affecting surrounding materials and fixtures.
By utilizing a troweled-on process to install the Bomanite Micro-Top System, Jeffco Concrete Contractors was able to create several high and low tone color variations within each particular Micro-Top color. Five differing colors, Cobblestone Gray, French Gray, Natural Gray, Desert Tan and Forest Brown were blended and applied in a seamless application to pinpoint the unique and creative layout of this floor design.
Vestavia Hills, AL
Lathan Associates Architects, P.C.
D.L. Acton Construction Co.
Bomanite Toppings Systems - Micro-Top by Bomanite
Jeffco Concrete Contractors, Inc.
10945 Commercial Dr.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35405
TEL: 205-345-3443
FAX: 205-752-0973