Tag Archives: greenspace

Grasscrete System used for an Emergency Vehicle Access for Office Complex

The office complexes at 16845 Von Karman Ave, Irvine California received an emergency vehicle access area that uses the Bomanite Grasscrete System. Bomanite Licensed contractor, T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc. worked with Wolcott Architecture to select the sustainable pervious concrete system that would work best with the intended use for the commercial development property.

Bomanite Grasscrete Partially Concealed Pervious Concrete System is Installed by TB Penick as an Emergency Vehicle Access for Office Complex in Irvine California

The Partially Concealed Grasscrete System is engineered to provide long-term durability, low maintenance and structural strength. Access around or to buildings for fire trucks or other emergency vehicles are typically concealed with grass and defined with curbs, bollards or landscaping to complement the design of the structures and walkways. The Partially concealed Grasscrete emergency fire truck lane creates a walkway between buildings providing greenspace for employees.

Bomanite Grasscrete Partially Concealed Pervious Concrete System is Installed by TB Penick as an Emergency Vehicle Access for Office Complex in Irvine California

Grasscrete, pervious concrete, constructed with one time use formers is time proven. Because of its structural integrity and continuous reinforcing, Grasscrete is not subject to the differential settlement that can occur with precast blocks and thin plastic products. The combination of concrete, steel and aggregate interlock ensures that Grasscrete can bear isolated loads; such as downriggers placed in an emergency situation with no support blocks. The robustness of the system minimizes the potential for failure during critical use.

Bomanite Grasscrete Partially Concealed Pervious Concrete System is Installed by TB Penick as an Emergency Vehicle Access for Office Complex in Irvine California

The sustainable Grasscrete Molded Pulp Former System, used for the office complex project, has been engineered and field proven to bear the continuous weight of up to 114,000 pound vehicles along with such customized applications as military tank use or light speed rail track access– even when the sub-base becomes saturated making this ideal for this Emergency Access area.