Tag Archives: Interior Polished Concrete

Hope Fellowship Renovates with Bomanite Colored Polished Concrete and Grasscrete Pervious Concrete

Bomanite Licensee, Texas Bomanite has worked with Hope Fellowship Church in Frisco, Texas for several years in different construction phases throughout the main areas of the building. Mycon General Contractors brought in Texas Bomanite for several architectural concrete applications that needed updating at the Frisco campus. Working with Small Architects, and Mycon, Texas Bomanite installed Bomanite polished colored concrete for the floors of the lobbies, stairs, hallways, auditorium and sanctuaries and upgraded the church parking lot to a pervious Grasscrete stone filled system to accommodate the need for pervious requirements and stormwater management.

Hope Fellowship Church Brings Color to it's Ministries with Bomanite Custom Polishing Patene Teres Interior Floors and Auditorium Seating

Hope Fellowship is a 3-campus Bible Church located in Frisco (East campus and West campus) and in McKinney, Texas with services in Prosper, TX. The Church broke ground with the Frisco East campus in April 2017 and completed the expansion late 2018 that included renovating all of the children’s areas, adding a 1,700-seat auditorium and adding more ministries, such as Hope Students, Adventure Kidz, a recovery ministry and a marriage ministry.

Hope Fellowship Church Brings Color to it's Ministries with Bomanite Custom Polishing Patene Teres Interior Floors and Auditorium Seating

The concrete finishes that were installed included 31,890 square feet of Class B exposure with Level 3 gloss Bomanite Patène Teres polished concrete flooring throughout the campus interior, along with 4,850 square feet of Patène Artectura dyed and sealed concrete and 2,820 lineal feet of joints filled with polyurea joint filler. Two custom brown dye colors were selected by the architect to create a warm, earthy and inviting feel.

The main challenge in this project was working around the schedule of the parishioners and staff who utilize both the inside and outside of the building for classes, church services, and gatherings. The church asked that the work be completed with minimal daytime disruption. This required Texas Bomanite to work overnight on numerous occasions to remain on schedule. A crew of 5 worked through the evenings to complete the Bomanite Patène Teres polished concrete system on time.

Hope Fellowship Church Brings Color to it's Ministries with Bomanite Custom Polishing Patene Teres Interior Floors and Auditorium Seating
Hope Fellowship Church Brings Color to it's Ministries with Bomanite Custom Polishing Patene Teres Interior Floors and Auditorium Seating

In addition to the interior floors, the church was required to decrease the sites overall impervious percentage and to allow for stormwater drainage. By having Texas Bomanite install 1,800 square feet of Bomanite Grasscrete pervious concrete using the biodegradable Molded Pulp Former and filling the voids with crushed stone the criteria and requirements were met.

Hope Fellowship Installs Pervious Parking Lot with Bomanite Grasscrete Stone Filled System to Help with Stormwater Management
Hope Fellowship Installs Pervious Parking Lot with Bomanite Grasscrete Stone Filled System to Help with Stormwater Management

For more information about the project and systems used, please visit 

https://bomanite.com/system_sub/patene-teres/https://bomanite.com/system_parent/pervious-concrete-systems/http://www.texasbomanite.com/product/polishedhttp://www.texasbomanite.com/product/grasscretehopefellowship.net and mycon.com.